Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Sociology is such and interesting and complex subject. Its complexity comes from its broad field that is studies, human society.  I have always wondered why people act as they do, and why societies are the way they are.  Sociology is great because it attempts answer these kind of question, yet again the complexity come from the varying theories that come from scholars like Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, Pierre Bourdieu, August Comte, and Ernest Gellner but that is just to name a few.  When studying a society, there is not always one encompassing answer.  One theory may answer one aspect of society, yet another conflicting theory may logically answer the same thing but have a different conclusion.  This is what I love most about sociology, the fact that there is no right answer forces you to continually educate yourself and not settle for what a single person says.  In this way everyone has to come up with their own theories, pulling from may different aspects of the science and many different theorists.  Challenge yourself to wrap your mind around a science that is not simply based on black and white answers.

 "It is always the same: Once you are liberated, you are forced to ask who you are."
A quote from Jean Baudrillard speaks volumes about the power of sociology.  Once you reason as to why society acts as it does, you are forced to look upon yourself and ask the same question.

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